Best hiking and trekking in Pigra, Lake Como

Are you looking for the best hiking and trekking in Pigra, Lake Como?

After arriving in Pigra you have a lot of possibilities, this area is very rich in trails.


Starting point: Pigra At "Su Frecia" place
Length: 4.9 km
Maximum gradient:: 480 m
Time required: approx. 2h
It is recommended: wear appropriate footwear and clothing and evaluate your walking skills in the mountains.

This is one of best hiking and trekking in Pigra. The excursion takes place along the ancient pedestrian forest road, which goes toward the beech forests. Later along the route, the forest road turns into a path that eventually splits in route paths 1a, 1b and 1c.
The excursion starts at the top of the village of Pigra at "Su Frecia" place. After 400 meters of walk, you will come to the concrete cross of "Crusia Piana" (1020 m.) which is part of the path called "Of the 7 Crosses". After another 700 meters’ walk, at 1150 m. of altitude, You’ll find a drinking trough, formerly called "Panée", which was a watering place for grazing animals, and now it is used by wild animals such as deer, roe deer and wild boar, as well as for all the wild fauna. Anyway, about 2 Km. after the starting point, at 1250 m., of altitude, the forest road splits into route paths 1A 1B and 1C.

• Route Path 1 a- if you’ll choose this path, after having crossed a steep section, you’ll climb out onto the ridge of the "Pigra Nozzle" at 1323 m., where you turn right in north direction, and continue along the panoramic path of "Via dei Monti Lariani " in the direction of the Alpe di Colonno.
• Route Path 1 b - If you choose this route - without any particular gradient- you will go ahead into the woods and then join the asphalted road (1230 m) that climbs towards Alpe di Colonno (1322 m).
• Route Path 1 c- If you’ll choose this route, proceed along the ridge to reach Pizzo Pasquella at 1367 m. It is the best panoramic point from which you can enjoy a magnificent view over Pigra and Lake Como, but to reach the Alpe di Colonno you will have to go back and choose one of the other two trails.


Starting point: Pigra
Maximum gradient: 90 m
Estimated time: about 45 minutes
It is recommended: wear appropriate footwear and clothing.
Difficulty: Easy

The path of this walk is also referred to as "the middle road" because it cuts the wood horizontally in the middle and it is without any particular climbing. It is an easy and shaded path that winds through beech woods into a quiet habitat surrounded by the rustling leaves moved by the breeze, the splashing of the flowing brooks and the singing of the birds: the sounds of a primordial paradise which gives serenity and ravishes the traveler's senses. The first part of the route crosses a pine forest and then it passes by ancient dry walls and small streams, which at Pigra are called "quai". Carry on walking along the path until you reach a fountain for watering the animals. Keep on going following the signpost; further ahead the path becomes narrow till the end of the route. You’ll go back to the starting point by following the signposts or, even better, by walking along the reverse route.


Starting point: Pigra square of the Operaia company
Arrival Point: Alpe di Colonno hut
Length: about 6 km
Maximum gradient: 620 m
Travel time on foot about 2 hours
Difficulty: Easy climbing

The route is easy and it winds through chestnut and beech woods. It starts at Piazza (Square) Operaia (890 m.), and climbs up to Corniga, a village that belongs to the Municipality of Tremezzina - Colonno. After about 100 meters you you’ll reach the Chapel of the Madonna del Soccorso and one of the 7 crosses that is part of another itinerary. You keep on walking along the trail until you reach the drinking trough known as "Pané di Mezza Cavalla", past which you arrive at the Junction of Terman, where you turn to the right along the downhill trail leading to the Alpine Huts of Lomia. You pass on the bridge that crosses the stream Camogli and then climb uphill to the few mountain houses of Serta at an altitude of 830 m. Carry on walking until you arrive at Corniga at m.760. This little settlement lost in mountains is an ancient village of shepherds and smugglers, whose houses and stables have recently been restored and turned into summer holiday homes, yet together with its maze of its cobbled alleys, it has maintained its stone-walled features of the antique town. Dating 1631, is the small church with a portico dedicated to Sant'Anna, behind which you can admire an ancient " Nevera (quirky)"; a place where snow was stored in winter to preserve food in summer: just like an antediluvian fridge.
From Corniga you can carry on climbing toward Alpe di Colonno at 1322 m. - with a gradient of about 600 m. - which you’ll reach in about an hour and a half’s climbing along a very panoramic path that crosses the village of Solasco. To return to Pigra on foot you must to do the reverse route; no public means available.


Travel Time on foot : about h, 2h30
By Car: up to Colonno Alpe and then walk to the Refuge Alpe of Sala
Difficulty: Easy

The Alpe di Sala is an ancient Alpine Farm that belongs to the Tremezzina Municipality in the territory of Sala Comacina. It is situated at an altitude of 1230 m, in a valley very sunny even in winter and sheltered from the cold winds. The alpine dwelling complex is inhabited all year long because, during the cold months, the stable gives shelter to about 70 goats of the precious breed chamois of the alps. 
It is a path for all tastes and capabilities. On foot, starting from Pigra to the Colonno mountain; on a bicycle leaving from Pigra cableway; by car along the road to the Alpe di Colonno and then on foot; those who own an off-road car can reach up to the Alpe of Sala refuge through a very narrow trail. 
The route takes you along the rugged asphalt road that rises steadily up to the Alpe di Colonno (1322 m) and then goes downhill towards the Alpeggio di Sala (1230 m.). For those who arrive by car at Alpe di Colonno, the remaining path is a beautiful and easy walk of about 30 minutes, suitable for all ages.
This alpine Refuge is side by a family-run dairy, with an EEC-recognized trademark, for the production and sale of cheese made with ONLY goat's milk. Besides being good, is goat's milk is rich in mineral salts and vitamin A, vitamin D and group B.

Best hiking and trekking in Pigra, Lake Como

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