Prà Castel and the terrace on the lake
From Prà Castell Square we take via Grisoni, the small street that goes up next to the ice cream shop and the small self-service laundry Ghost. After a few meters you will encounter Cantina e Bottega, a wine shop that also offers lunches, dinners, tastings and aperitifs, all under the banner of organic food in a very intimate atmosphere.

On arriving at the top of the steps, we immediately find the house where Alessandro Volta stayed. He would spend here his vacations during his youth, but wanted to return in 1794 on the occasion of his honeymoon. Before we continue, we suggest a small detour to the street across the street, Via Carceri, to see a finely decorated wooden covered balcony, truly amazing! It was brought from Ethiopia by the Cetti family in the early 1900s.

Returning to the house of Alessandro Volta, on your left starts via Al Castello, which is well marked with PANORAMA signs. Follow it and you will soon arrive at the terrace of Prà Castello, where the view dominates the town from above: it’s a very picturesque and spectacular place to say the least. Here the Council of the very powerful Pieve di Gravedona used to meet, called, as was the custom, by the ringing of a bell.

After enjoying this splendid view, we return to Via Al Castello to turn right onto Via Alessandro Volta and arrive in Piazza Motta. At the bottom on the left we go down the small alley via Ser Gregori. A few meters before crossing the paved road, a small flight of steps takes you to a secret beach, just below the imposing Palazzo Gallio.
We are in the Mazzagallo district, an ancient noble family of Gravedona with illustrious exponents in the political and military fields. Just think that this small beach was an ancient sheltering port for medieval warships. Returning to the stairway to reach the paved driveway, we go up past the park of Palazzo Gallio and reach the state highway and turn right to find the entrance to the Palazzo Gallio. Read more HERE abount Palazzo Gallio.