Garden of Villa Serbelloni

Villa Serbelloni in Bellagio is one of the most fascinating villas on Lake Como, with a large and scenic park

Via Roma, 1 22021 Bellagio CO
22021 Bellagio

Gardens of Villa Serbelloni, Bellagio, Lake Como.

If you are in Bellagio, you cannot miss visiting the gardens of Villa Serbelloni.
Villa Serbelloni in Bellagio is one of the most fascinating villas on Lake Como, with a large and scenic park, occupying almost most of the promontory.
Count Serbelloni (1788) had carriage roads, avenues and paths built in the park for a length of almost 18 km. Upon the count's death, the villa passed from property to property and at the end of the 19th century it was converted into a hotel.
The Villa was then bought by the American Ella Walker, who lived there and donated it upon her death to the Rockefeller Foundation of New York, which still owns and manages it today.
Today, the villa houses a luxury hotel and is the venue for the Foundation's conferences and study stays.

Visit the gardens of Villa Serbelloni

While the villa cannot be visited, tourists can visit its gardens, which are only open to the public accompanied by a guide. 
You can stroll through lush vegetation with Italian-style gardens: cypresses, olive trees, hedges shaping the terraces, geometric flowerbeds and subtropical species.
From the park you can admire the spectacular panorama of the lake, which forks into two branches, offering breathtaking views of the peaks of the Orobian Pre-Alps.

visitare i giardini di villa serbelloni

  • Opening Times: 

    Orari e tariffe visita guidata ai giardini solo accompagnati da guida 

    Durata della visita: 1 ora e mezza circa.
    Si consiglia un abbigliamento comodo e scarpe da camminata.