Forte Montecchio Nord

La fortezza della Grande Guerra meglio conservata in Europa.

Via alle Torri, 8
23823 Colico


Fort Montecchio Nord is the best-preserved Great War fortress in Europe.
It was part of the defence system known as the Cadorna Line, a grandiose system of fortifications built on the Italian-Swiss border.
The fort is now a beautiful museum and can be visited with an expert guide, also in English.
To visit it, simply turn up on the spot and wait for the next group to be ready, which leaves every hour. 
During the visit you can see the dormitories, where the soldiers slept, perfectly preserved with the original furnishings; the room used as a nurse's office, the bunkers where the ammunition was stored, the armoury, the command room, the room from which orders were issued with a system of communicating cones (like on ships) and, above all, the cannons and firing positions are visible
The guide will explain to you in detail how life was lived inside the fort and how people prepared to operate the powerful cannons, which are still in perfect working order.

  • Multilingual audio guides: si
  • Accessibility: no
  • Verified: Si