James Bond on Lake Como

James Bond on Lake Como. The beautiful Villa La Gaeta achieved world fame for being the set of the final scenes of the 2006 film Casino Royale.

Villa La Gaeta is located between Menaggio and Acquaseria and owes its name to the tip of the promontory on which it was built. On this site previously stood another, much more modest building that belonged to an Italian numismatist, Solone Ambrosoli, who lived between 1851 and 1906 and was among the founders of the Numismatic Society of Italy.

The design of Villa La Gaeta was commissioned to the brothers Gino and Adolfo Coppedè, who had designed the imposing Cova Castle in Milan, a building very similar to Villa la Gaeta. The construction was completed by the Ambrosoli heirs in 1921 and later sold to the Gerli Counts in 1940.

In 2011, the Villa was divided into several apartments for private use.

The villa offers an eclectic style, where many overlapping themes take over: here the severe medieval structure is enriched with Art Nouveau elements, giving rise to an intense overlap of color contrasts. The overbearingness of the tower immediately catches the eye! 
Did you know that Villa Gaeta has a younger sister, Villa Pessina di Bolvedro?
Read HERE our Tour of Tremezzo to learn more about it.

How to visit Villa La Gaeta

The villa has been subdivided into private residences, so it is not possible to visit inside unless you are a friend of one of the owners. However, we guarantee that even the view of the villa from the lake is truly priceless. You just have to rent a boat or contact us directly, and we will show you the best solution. Apart from the majesty of the villa, the park is home to a rich variety of yews, hollies, boxwoods, laurel trees, cypresses, cedars, and two large plane trees overlooking the private beach..

My name is Bond, James Bond.

In the famous 2006 movie Casino Royale we see James Bond just as he is about to capture Mr. White: first he shoots him in the leg and, from the top of the steps leading up to the gateway, utters the fateful phrase: My name is Bond, James Bond.
Watch the clip here!

Read all curiosities

Villa Pizzo, Cernobbio

Villa Pizzo, in Cernobbio, one of the most fascinating and historically rich residences on Lake Como. Available for guided tours and private events.


Andare a cavallo sul Lago di Como

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